Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Mistaken email-then someone sends a nasty email back!

I accidentally sent out an email about a published site. I know at least members #1 to 300 got it, because I received an email from one of those members asking what is was.
Then, I decided to send an email to everyone letting them know not to worry.
Nobody was using their account to put sites on.
Then to my surprise, I get an email from a member (who shall remain nameless)
as follows:
"The email below is a trick for me to open! U R a no good piece of Dog (bleep). I will never use your service again! "
Can anyone please explain the trick? If I ever send out an email is is only for official
Surftiger business that members should know about. And I don't recall selling
anything in the email I sent out.
But I don't need members like him.

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