Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Rednova, PTP, Surfing Ratios

Rednova sites are framebreakers. If you have one, delete it. If your site has any popups and
they go to this site, you need to remove it. Any account that does not will be deleted, paid
or free!
Surftiger normally takes a cue from TS25, and they still seem to allow PTP sites.
Any complaints against yours, will result in its being deleted.
The basic surfing ratio will go back down on August 1st. The increase from 0.7 to 0.9
was to increase surfing. It has, but credits have backed up a little. To keep things moving,
it will NOT move down to the normal 0.7. It will go to 0.75, with a net result of
almost 0.8 after rounding. This is still a great ratio. Autosurf ratios have never changed.

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