Saturday, August 12, 2006


Site checkers, etc.

It seems the world of traffic exchanges is changing to prevent crappy sites from rotating. Many are now manually approving sites, or sending them to some checker.
Surftiger has been doing this since its inception. We were one of the first! It is a pain to wait, but makes for a better surfing experience for all. And unless you submit your site during non-normal waking hours, it can take very little time.

We are probably going to eliminate all rotators except pageswirl and a few others.
Don't worry, we will not go after what you already have. 99.99% of you are following the rules!

Beleive it or not, I surf other exchanges and surf them often. I also surf Surftiger. I have bought many things and signed up for programs I have seen on Surftiger. In fact, I will normally signup for a new program when I see it here. The main reason I surf is to keep bad sites out as much as possible. I have a long list of sites I see on other exchanges that I will never allow. If MORE admins would surf, the crappy sites would disappear quickly on other exchanges.

Speaking of site checkers...I get zapped to and search sites even while surfing exchanges that use some so-called "checker." Obviuosly, they don't work as well as they claim. Nothing beats a human.

And don't you hate seeing the same crappy site, reporting it, over and over, and NOTHING is ever done? Amazing.

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